用艺术述说抽象本质,展出本地25名画家的50幅画作,以色彩反映人生百态,展现纯粹情感与思想。 所谓抽象,是从许多事物中,舍弃个别非本质的属性,抽出共同本质的属性。今次展出的画作各有精彩。 画展开幕礼于本月12日举行,由本校文物与艺术馆馆长陈再藩及艺术与设计学院院长兼副校长赵佩娟及校长蔡润煌教授一同为画展开幕并颁发感谢状予参展画家。
用艺术述说抽象本质,展出本地25名画家的50幅画作,以色彩反映人生百态,展现纯粹情感与思想。 所谓抽象,是从许多事物中,舍弃个别非本质的属性,抽出共同本质的属性。今次展出的画作各有精彩。 画展开幕礼于本月12日举行,由本校文物与艺术馆馆长陈再藩及艺术与设计学院院长兼副校长赵佩娟及校长蔡润煌教授一同为画展开幕并颁发感谢状予参展画家。
The Faculty of Art and Design at Southern University College organized a special sharing session on December 17, 2024, featuring JJ Chan and Camie Lim, founders of Wonderfood City (M)
This year has been a truly remarkable journey for our faculty, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), marked by outstanding achievements across competitions and collaborations. From securing gold medals
Pada 23hb Disember 2024, Prof. ChM. Dr. Leong Loong Kong, Naib Presiden Akademik telah menerima kunjungan dari Prof. Ts. Dr. Suraya bt. Miskon dan Dr. Norasnita binti Ahmad, pakar perunding
On 10 December 2024, the students from Department of Journalism and Communication Studies (DJC) and Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), Southern University College organised a collaborative charity activity.
“温任平回顾与陈徽崇结缘时光,经典诗曲再响起” 从“歌曲”认识马华资深作家温任平的“诗”。 对歌曲《流放是一种伤》,以及《云与飞簷》有所认识的人,都知道这两首歌曲是由新山已故国家文化人物陈徽崇老师,以温任平的诗谱下的曲子,为诗赋予了新的生命,也感动了无数的人。
“Redology pioneer in Malaysia” and founder of the University of Malaya’s Dream of the Red Chamber Research Centre, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, stated: “The late Dr. Seng Yan Chuan
Southern University College currently offers six faculties and one school, covering Arts and Design, Business and Management, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Studies, Engineering and Information Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences,
马华资深作家兼马来西亚天狼星诗社创办人温任平,在80岁大寿之际出版第9本诗集《髣髴》。 诗集的新书推介礼12月6日在南方大学学院文物与艺术馆举行。【星空髣髴】—温任平八秩文学巡礼活动由南方大学学院文物与艺术馆、马华文学馆、新山歌乐协会主办,协办单位包括:马来西亚天狼星诗社、南方大学学院中文系和柔佛音乐艺术学院。