郑良树 Tay Lian Soo 《诗》和《乐》——以〈关雎〉为例 Poem and Music (Shi and Yue) 谢川成 Chiah Seng 读经教育在国家教育体制内和体制外的实践——以马来西亚为例 Implementation of Confucian Classics Recitation in Malaysia 张耀龙 Chan Yew Loong 从《樵歌》的“梦”意象探析朱敦儒词的精神基调 Analysis of the Basics and the Principles of Zhu-DunRu’s Poetry through the Images of Dreams in QiaoGe 陈秋平 Tang Chew Peng 马来西亚佛教慈善事业初探——以槟城华人佛教组织为例 The Charity Movements of Malaysian Buddhist: An Analysis of Chinese Buddhist Organization in Penang 李奕志 Lee Yik Chee 二战后新加坡华社争取公民权运动:对现有研究成果的讨论与反思 Singapore Chinese community’s struggle for civil rights in post-war period: A review of existing studies and some reflections 余小慧 Yu Sheau Huey 十九世纪末槟城华人社会之花会赌博现象 Whaway Lottery(Hua Hoey)of Penang Chinese Community at the End of 19th Century 解昆桦 Hsieh Kun-Hua 后殖民/本土的马来亚——王润华《热带雨 林与殖民地》的拘禁与流动书写 Writing in Custody and Flow in Wong Yoon-Wah’s Tropical Rain Forest and Colony Kan Yoke Yue, Lim Guan Choo Malaysian Stock Market and International Integration
人文随笔·Literary Articles
Nadia Bte Ishak Masalah Penggunaan Bahasa Slanga di Kalangan Remaja